28 Killer Bad Habits That Made Me A Big Fat Ass

Back in time, I was ashamed about showing my pictures. But now I feel happy & grateful that I know the feeling of not being comfortable with my body. I know how it feels when you prevent going out with friends to the beach, when you go shopping and get disappointed about the sizes that…

How Lack of Sleep can Destroy your Health

How Lack of Sleep can Destroy your Health The daily sleep time recommendations are 7 to 8 hours for adults, and 10 hours for adolescents. However it is estimated that 30% of adults and 66% of adolescents are sleep deprived. According to studies, this lack of sleep can cause serious problems: Learning, memory, mood and…

Chocolate: Side Effects VS Healthy Benefits

A lot of people enjoy chocolate as a guilty pleasure snack leading to a serious addiction. While it could be a healthy source due to its increased antioxidants, you should differentiate between the various types of chocolate including dark, bitter, white and semisweet varieties. The more the chocolate is processed (added sugars and flavors), the…