Coffee Lovers: Healthy Benefits Keep On Coming In

In excess, coffee, and more particularly, caffeine, can cause problems. But the fretting about two or three cups a day, or even more, is fading as study results suggestive of health benefits from coffee keep on coming in. Coffee drinking is associated with a lower risk of depression among women, a lower risk of lethal…

Men: Sex, Pre or Post Workout?

Sex Before Workout: Good: Research demonstrates that testosterone levels rise as a response to sexual stimuli. Therefore, an athlete could benefit by being exposed to a sexual relation prior to his workout. He could then exercise with increased testosterone levels and aggression. Bad: When you do engage in sexual activity before training sessions, then this…

The factors that make your muscles grow bigger

Hormones and growth factors. Testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) all are stimulated by training and nutrition. They act directly on muscle tissues to make them grow. Food in general, and protein in particular. It takes energy to make new muscle tissue, just as it takes energy to do the exercises that will…

lack of sleep

Can lack of sleep make you fat?

Consider this statement from a paper by two University of Chicago researchers: “In recent years, sleep restriction has become a hallmark of a modern society, with both children and adults having shorter bedtimes than a few decades ago. This trend for shorter sleep duration has developed over the same time period as the dramatic increase…

How Brain Works: Learning Stress Relaxation Techniques.

How Our Brain Works: The brain operates on small amount of electricity. Its frequency is divided into 4 segments: Beta: occurs when your body and mind are active and you focus your eyes Alpha: is associated with light sleep and dreaming Theta: is associated with deeper and with the use of hypnosis for such things…

Pregnancy: Exercises Importance and Recommendations

The normal Weight gain for a pregnant woman: about 12 kg including: – 5 kgs for fetus and placenta – 5 kg for the breasts, uterus and the accumulation of water – 2 kg of additional energy reserves (fat)  Physiological changes: – Blood volume increases – Heart rate increases – Tidal volume increases – Blood pressure falls to mid…

Six tips to boost your metabolism

Get moving Up to two hours after vigorous exercise, you continue to burn calories faster than normal while your body replenishes its energy reserves and repairs muscle tissue. The longer and more intense your workout, the greater the ‘after-burn’. Tone up (Weight training) To increase your metabolic rate in the long term, you have to…