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“Forget The Mistake… Remember The Lesson”

A little over a week ago I had a call with someone who was interested in joining our Private Training Program.
We scheduled our regular consultation session to be able to discuss their goals in details, check their previous health history and guide them through our different training programs.

During the meeting, this prospective client’s only focus was about quick fixes, asking for shortcuts and guarantees from my part about the number of kilograms that can be lost over the next couple of weeks. I immediately realized that they do not have a profile to become a potential member, and I was confident that they are not a great fit for the “HL Family”.


While we create amazing success stories at Healthy Lifestyle in just 21 Days – and you can check many real transformations of people who joined our 21 day challenges here – we make sure our members follow a healthy nutrient-dense nutrition program while boosting their lifestyle.

First, this particular client didn’t want to change any of their bad habits. They wanted to remain following the same unhealthy eating patterns, eating chocolate, sweets, all kind of junk food and drink alcohol many times throughout the week even late at night.

There are some people who love to play the role of the blame thrower, someone who just wants to shift blame for their unsuccessful results.

So let me be clear, at Healthy Lifestyle, we never promise people about pie-in-the-sky results.
We educate, motivate & inspire people who are willing to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE to achieve a level of success they previously only dreamed of.

We practice what we preach, believe and love what we do.
These are the things that fuel and drive us forward.

Second, since we create strong, meaningful and personal relationships with our members… every potential new client needs to have the flexibility and willingness to learn and change to be a suitable fit for our culture.

So this is when I remembered the lesson I learned a couple of years ago:
“Don’t focus on making money; focus on creating value”


I explained my reasoning and apologized for not being able to help them.

I wanted to share this with you for a few of reasons:

1. I totally believe in Healthy Lifestyle core values.
And just letting someone into a program just because they’re willing to pay is none of them.


2. It is ok to make mistakes – just remember the lessons.
Otherwise, it’s going to start to erode some of the other things you have in place. Culture, standards, personal happiness.


3. Some people can be great people, but bad fits.
I know who I enjoy working with and if I maintain those standards – everything is better. Now I have been in a place professionally where I just needed the income so I worked with people I’d probably have preferred not to…but I’m in a position now that the money is not the #1 determining factor…


4. Being a leader means making tough decisions.
It’s my job to protect the culture of Healthy Lifestyle- so sometimes I have to do things that I don’t enjoy doing, like this. Saying NO to an employee or client – sucks. But leaders can’t let one person’s wants or needs win out over those wants and needs of the group.


So hopefully you can learn from the less than awesome way that I handled this.
I know I did 🙂


Wishing a positive new week,
Coach Fares.

Author: Fares

Fares Saad is the Chief Fitness Officer of Healthy Lifestyle in Antelias. Fares is a certified personal trainer who holds multiple specialty certifications including Sports Medicine Specialist, Technical Aspect of Weight Training, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching and Certified Sports Nutritionist. Recognized for his expertise, dedication and ethics as well as for his personal charisma, Fares continues to positively change lives with his specialized understanding of fitness and nutrition and how they apply to overall health and well-being.

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