How do Carbohydrates Impact your Health?

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Categories: Healthy Eating,Nutrition

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What Are Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the nutritional category for sugars and molecules that your body breaks down to make sugars.
They can be simple or complex depending on their structure.


Simple Carbohydrates



They just have one simple sugar:
1. Glucose
2. Fructose
3. Galactose




When we link two simple sugars together we get:
1. Lactose
2. Maltose
3. Sucrose


Complex Carbohydrates

They have three or more simple sugars.
The ones with 3 to 10 linked sugars are Oligosaccharides
The ones with 10+ are Polysaccharides


How do Carbohydrates Impact your Health?

In this video you will understand:

1. How your body digests carbs
2. The difference between starches and fibers
3. How Insulin works for sugar management
4. Difference between Insulin Sensitivity & Insulin Resistance
5. What leads to Insulin Resistance
6. How Insulin Resistance leads to a serious condition called Metabolic Syndrome


Reference: TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing


Talk Soon,
Coach Fares.


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Author: Fares

Fares Saad is the Chief Fitness Officer of Healthy Lifestyle in Antelias. Fares is a certified personal trainer who holds multiple specialty certifications including Sports Medicine Specialist, Technical Aspect of Weight Training, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching and Certified Sports Nutritionist. Recognized for his expertise, dedication and ethics as well as for his personal charisma, Fares continues to positively change lives with his specialized understanding of fitness and nutrition and how they apply to overall health and well-being.

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