How Fitness can Change your Life!

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We hear it all the time: Exercise is good for your health. At every single doctor’s appointment, in magazines, on blogs … Sports is the solution for everything.
Believe it or not It’s TRUE!

I have been on an amazing health and fitness journey over the past years, and the benefits have been SO huge I want to share it with everyone.

Here is How Fitness can Change your Life:

1. Seek Positivity

I couldn’t bare negative people who kept telling me that I’m exaggerating with exercise, I’m over doing it, girls shouldn’t be lifting weights, you will soon have a man physique etc….
So I started to surround myself with people who live the way i want to live, people who support and lift me up.
You don’t need to ditch your old friends, but don’t underestimate the power of finding some new ones.


2. I’m More Motivated.

There’s something about reaching small goals that motivates you in other areas in your life as well. The more goals I make through fitness, the more goals I want to make in other areas of my life. Fitness helps improve my career, my relationships and my overall outlook on life.



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3. It Helped Me Kick Bad Habits.

I used to drink cola instead of water each time I go for a run or do some activity; I also drank soft drinks with every meal I eat.
During intense workout I couldn’t drink them anymore, it gave me a burn so I started adding water and now I drink 2 to 3 liters a day. Sometimes during my cheat meal I enjoy a sugar-free soft drink with the burger.
Visualize yourself succeeding:
See yourself throwing away the cigarettes or buying healthy food or waking up early. Whatever the bad habit is that you are looking to break, visualize yourself crushing it, smiling, and enjoying your success.


4. I Crave Better Foods.

Eliane Eating Peanut Butter with a Protein Shake
Just like how I no longer craved soft drinks with each meal, when I started exercising more, I began to crave healthier foods. Items I previously hated soon became diet staples. I started realizing the food/body relationship and the importance fruits and vegetables are to fuel me. I saw a difference when I ate these foods, too. I felt less sluggish, now preferring a well-rounded meal to junk food.


5. I’m Capable.

I used to be weak and vulnerable like most of the girls.
But the more I work on getting stronger, the more I can do physically.
I can now change the water cooler at work with ease, whereas before, I couldn’t even lift the supermarket bags.
When someone asks if I can help them move something, I am no longer embarrassed by how little I am able to help them. It’s a great feeling going from being a total wimp to someone who is actually capable.


6. Less Stress & Anxiety

Anxiety, fearfulness and uncertainty all drain your vitality and dampen your mood, which in turn tends to show on your face and in the way you carry yourself.
Exercise has been shown to alleviate most mild to moderate cases of anxiety, and can very quickly improve your mood.


7. Greater Self-Confidence

Eliane Wearing a Dress
The better I get at training, the heavier weights I can lift and the further I can push my body. This reminds me of how to better tackle other challenges outside of my workouts. Knowing I can reach my fitness goals gives me an I-can-do-anything attitude that is much needed when I feel down.
The self-confidence is directly tied to our energy levels, our feelings of competence and our perceived attractiveness. And nothing is more gorgeous than the self-assurance that comes from feeling good in your own skin.


8. Less Visceral Fat

Yes, exercise can help you lose your love handles, but it’s the loss of excess fat deep inside the body that boosts your overall vitality and your looks.


9. SLEEP More

Exercise is essentially a release valve for cortisol, helping you to sleep more soundly and greet the day looking more refreshed.


10. I look good

Eliane in Swimwear
Getting fit not only makes you look sexy, it also makes you feel sexy by balancing the body’s sex hormone levels, which in turn can improve the appearance of hair, skin and muscle tone.

Coach Eliane,

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Eliane Bou Assy
Author: Eliane Bou Assy

I’m on a mission to educate, motivate and inspire people to live healthy 365 days a year through eating better food and moving more effectively. Make a difference, join me to live a “Healthy Lifestyle”.

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