Benefits of Barley Grass

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What is Barley?

Barley is a plant.
Its grains are used to make medicine.


What are the Benefits of Barley Grass?

Barley is a multi-nutrient rich super food loaded with large amounts of vitamins and minerals. These include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Barley grass is also a rich provider of powerful antioxidants and essential amino acids and beneficial enzymes.



Barley grass is said to have 11 times the amount of calcium than there is in cow’s milk,
5 times the iron content of spinach,
close to 7 times the vitamin C in oranges.


Barley grass is very high in organic sodium, which dissolves calcium deposited on the joints and also replenishes organic sodium in the lining of the stomach. This aids digestion by improving the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.


Barley grass has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, thought to be a primary culprit in aging, it also improves the body ability to deal with stress.


Barley grass also contains one of the most amazing nutrients: chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier that rids the intestines of stored toxins. It also supports the metabolic processes and aids in strengthening and detoxification of liver.

Weight Loss

Users of barley grass have also found it useful as an aid in weight loss and good for the heart, healing of ulcers, correcting blood sugar problems and, most of all, as a general tonic.


Barley Grass leaves are extremely alkaline, so digesting them can help keep the body’s alkaline and acidity ratio balanced. Our cells cannot adequately function if the pH range (which measures alkaline and acidity) is not in a very narrow range. Imbalance of acid-alkali in the body may lead to problems like sleep disorders, cardiac pains, fatigue, constipation and fragile fingernails.

Cancer Prevention

Barley grass is effective against cancer owing to the power of superoxide dismustase enzyme. It has preventive as well as curing reaction against the cancer cells which also attributes to the presence of other remedial components such as peridoxase protein and catalase enzyme. Catalase enzymes present in barley grass has the ability to decompose and neutralize the effects of toxic hydrogen peroxide which is produced during respiration and help suppress the proliferation of cancer cells.


What about the Side Effects?

Although barley grass is generally safe, however some individuals might react sensitively to the barley grain due to the gluten. Such people should avoid the usage of barley grass as it may contain gluten protein.
For Diabetes patients, Barley might lower blood sugar levels. Your diabetes medications might need to be adjusted by your healthcare provider.


Bottom Line Message about Barley Grass

Include barley grass in your diet to experience an overall strengthening and invigorating effects on the entire body.
The reason why you are hearing about Barley Grass for the first time maybe is because MEDIA won’t encourage us to use healthy organic plant that cost us only 20$!
On the contrary they want to suck our blood and empty our pockets on spending all our money on their medicines and treatments for the benefits of the big companies.


Coach Eliane,

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Eliane Bou Assy
Author: Eliane Bou Assy

I’m on a mission to educate, motivate and inspire people to live healthy 365 days a year through eating better food and moving more effectively. Make a difference, join me to live a “Healthy Lifestyle”.

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