Seek Social Support For A Long-Term Commitment

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Surround Yourself with Motivational People

If you put yourself in a positive frame of mind, you can accomplish anything. If you can clearly see your goal, see that it’s within your grasp, there’s nothing stopping you. That’s why surrounding yourself with people who have similar goals like yours is going to lift you higher.


Seek Social Media Support

You can always get to our Facebook page ( where you could share your progress and get daily motivation from us and other friends that will make you feel better about yourself.


Remove All Negative Influences

Other people can often bring a negative influence to our lives, both those who should be close to us, and others who should be less important.
In many cases these people only have an effect on us because we allow them to do so, and with a little effort on our part we can reduce their impact on us or even remove it altogether.


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Talk soon!


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Author: Fares

Fares Saad is the Chief Fitness Officer of Healthy Lifestyle in Antelias. Fares is a certified personal trainer who holds multiple specialty certifications including Sports Medicine Specialist, Technical Aspect of Weight Training, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching and Certified Sports Nutritionist. Recognized for his expertise, dedication and ethics as well as for his personal charisma, Fares continues to positively change lives with his specialized understanding of fitness and nutrition and how they apply to overall health and well-being.

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