How many Daily Calories should I Eat? Easy steps for calculations.

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How many Daily Calories should I Eat?

You can estimate your daily calorie needs by working out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and multiplying it by your physical activity level. Your BMR is the number of calories you burn at rest over 24 hours maintaining essential functions such as respiration, digestion and brain function. BMR accounts for 60–75 per cent of the calories you burn daily.


Step 1: Estimate your basal metabolic rate (BMR):

Method 1: Quick

As a rule of thumb, BMR uses 11 calories for every 0.5 kg of a woman’s body weight and 12 calories per 0.5 kg of a man’s body weight.
Women: BMR = weight in kilos x 2 x 11 (alternatively weight in pounds x 11)
Men: BMR = weight in kilos x 2 x 12 (alternatively weight in pounds x 12)
Example: BMR for a 60 kg woman
= 60 x 2 x 11 = 1,320 kcal.


Method 2: Advanced

For a more accurate estimation of your BMR, use the following equations:

Example: BMR for a 60 kg woman aged 31–60 years = (60 x 8.7) + 829 = 1,351 kcal.


Step 2: Estimate your physical activity level (PAL):

Your physical activity level (PAL) is the ratio of your overall daily energy expenditure to your BMR. It’s a rough measure of your lifestyle activity.

  1. Mostly inactive or sedentary (mainly sitting): 1.2
  2. Fairly active (include walking and exercise 1–2 x week): 1.3
  3. Moderately active (exercise 2–3 x week): 1.4
  4. Active (exercise hard more than 3 x week): 1.5
  5. Very active (exercise hard daily): 1.7


Step 3: Multiply your BMR by your PAL:


Example: daily energy needs for an active 60 kg woman = 1,351 x 1.5 = 2,027 kcal. That’s how many calories you burn a day to maintain your weight, assuming you have an ‘average’ body composition. If you have higher than average muscle mass add 150 calories.


To Lose Weight

Reduce your daily calorie intake by 15 per cent or multiply the figure above (maintenance calorie needs) by 0.85. This will produce a fat loss of about 0.5 kg per week. Example: Daily energy needs for an active 60 kg woman to lose weight = 2,027 x 0.85 = 1,723 kcal.


To Gain Weight

Increase your daily calorie intake by 20 per cent or multiply the figure above (maintenance calorie needs) by 1.2. In conjunction with a resistance training program, expect a weight gain of 0.25–0.5 kg per month. Example: Daily energy needs for an active 60 kg woman to gain weight = 2,027 x 1.2 = 2,432 kcal.


(ref: Food for Fitness)


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Author: Fares

Fares Saad is the Chief Fitness Officer of Healthy Lifestyle in Antelias. Fares is a certified personal trainer who holds multiple specialty certifications including Sports Medicine Specialist, Technical Aspect of Weight Training, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching and Certified Sports Nutritionist. Recognized for his expertise, dedication and ethics as well as for his personal charisma, Fares continues to positively change lives with his specialized understanding of fitness and nutrition and how they apply to overall health and well-being.

3 Responses to "How many Daily Calories should I Eat? Easy steps for calculations."

  1. aletta Posted on May 7, 2013 at 2:17 pm

    I thought I was quite clued up about calory counting and maintaining my weight etc but this has been informative and helpful! I’m sticking it to my dfridge!

  2. jui Posted on September 22, 2013 at 12:08 pm

    i’ve hypothyroidism and my doc says that i’ve to loose my weight, i’m 5’3” height and my weight is 60kg. doc says that my weight range should be 53-54. but i can’t loose my weight. yeah! i’m lazy, recently i’ve started to exercise. my question is how much calorie i’ve to burn everyday to get that weight? can u help me?

    • Fares Posted on September 24, 2013 at 7:20 am

      Hello Jui,
      did your doctor prescribe any medicine to fix the problem?

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